Sun. Oct 27th, 2024





“O God, we have heard with our ears, Our fathers have told us, The work that Thou didst in their days, In the days of old.”


Some good news are actually old ones.


One of the errors a believer can commit is to forget what the Lord commanded him/her to do.


It doesn’t matter how many years ago He told you. The grass can wither, but the word of God abides forever.


There is a hasty spirit in these last days.

People always want God to say something new or different.


What about the ones He told you to do that you have not done even till now.


Sometimes, I stream live on Facebook, and suddenly, God gives instructions for His children to obey.

You may be surprised only a few obey.


The problem with some believers is that they give into the wrong account.


when it is time to make a withdrawal, they do not have no access to the account.


“15. And as you Philippians know, in the early days of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church, but you partnered with me in the matter of giving and receiving.

16. For even while I was in Thessalonica, you provided for my needs again and again.


17. Not that I am seeking a gift, but I am looking for the fruit that may be credited to your account.”


Here, Paul was not referring to his personal needs. What he was talking about was the need of Thessalonian church.


He helped the churches that were financially buoyant see the reason to meet the needs of those ones that didn’t have so much.


You know there are Christians who always wait to hear God speak to them before they give to the needy around them.


Do you know what those ones are like? Babies.


You have to tell little children at home to clean the floor, wash dishes, . Adults just put things in good condition.


If people begin to use the same measure for you, nobody will ever give to you unless they hear God speak from heaven.


What religion has done to people is that it makes them not to see God in everything.


The parable of Jesus reveals a priest who passed by a wonded man so that he could meet up with the church program.


When God asked you to give towards the development of a small local church in your village, you took all the money to mega churches.


At that time, you deposited into a wrong account.


Withdrawing from such an account may not the account will not be possible.


I remember the message i gave:


“I saw a hand twisted downward from the wrist” and I related it to a financial downturn!


And I further said that if it was possible, give to a needy to straighten it.


It is not a function of whether you have been doing it before at that moment.


Faith is the response of the human spirit to God’s word.


Peter said,

“I toil all night. Nevertheless, at your word I will let down the net.”


Most believers are very active when it is time to obey flesh. immediately, God asks them to do a thing that will prosper them, they feel so weak and incompetent.


Who says obedience is easy? Of course, the devil and your flesh will make it very difficult.


Immediately, the person misses the blessing, the energy to obey will bounce back ????


I John 9:7 when Jesus anointed a blind man’s eyes with sand and told him to go wash in river, you Jesus didn’t take him by his hands to that river.


The word of God will always come with enough opportunities to give

Chance to those whose minds are not ready to obey.


Do you still remember how many instructions God gave to you personally on how to prosper financially, but you haven’t carried any out.


Now, you want God to give you another word.


Some Christians constantly disobey God’s instructions and make people feel like God hates them.


Luke 4:46

Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I say?

God bless His word in your heart ❤️


Sometimes, the good news are in the old news!



Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?


“Do the first work”

Revelation 2:5

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