Fri. Oct 25th, 2024




Text: 1Sam 1:1-20; Jere 32:17, 27

Character: Hannah


The Lord is good and faithful in all His ways and works. It is His goodness and mercy that has brought us to the last month of the year.


Yes, might not have received answers to our prayer list in the year but the ALMIGHTY has blessed us on many areas where we didn’t request for His blessing in our prayer list. He is ever mindful of us(Ps 115:12; 85:12).


Hannah, our character focus was a woman with lots of expectations from the Lord. She was married to Elkanah, and had a rival wife Peninah. Peninah provoked Hannah severely(1Sam 1:6) to make her miserable. I don’t know the Peninah that has been provoking your life, health, faith and trust in the Lord, family, finance or business severely. But I know a God that cannot fail in His covenant and promises


In verses 10 and 11 of 1 Samuel, Hannah went to the Lord and in her bitterness and sorrow of heart, she made a deal(covenant) with God by a vow. How?

1. Hannah saw that Eli the priest was old.

2. God needed a replacement for the Prophet Eli.

3. The two sons of Eli- Hophni and Phinehas- were unfit. They were doing what provoked God and the people bof Israel.

4. Hannah saw a need to fill the vacuum and she was willing by a vow, will and a covenant…she made a vow.

5. God saw her heart and genuine intentions for the Lord is the God of knowledge and by Him all actions are weighed. (1Sam 2:3)


The Lord granted her the desires of her heart and opened her womb(1Sam 2:19-20). She gave birth to a male child just as she requested and named him Samuel. He was a great Prophet in Israel (1Sam 3:19).


I don’t know what your expectations are: fruit of the womb, promotion, sound health, change of location, business or career breakthrough, marital or financial challenges, to list a few. Enter a vow with God like Hannah did. Let it be sincere, intentional and genuine. Let God know that you will use it:

1. To glorify His name and none else.

2. To promote His kingdom.

3. To bless humanity on earth.


God is not weak, His hand is not slack to perform His good promises. God’s concern is when He has blessed us, are we going to be available for Him to access us or like the prodigal son waste His resources? But if He finds us faithful like Hannah- who will nurture and return Samuel back to give Him the glory, the deal is settled, and your testimony is sure. You will not end the year without a proof that the Lord has visited you in Jesus’ mighty name.




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2 thoughts on “COVENANT KEEPING GOD …by Pastor Wole Ashonibare”
  1. God bless you sir @Pastor Wole Ashonibare. God will not withold whatever will serve His purpose. Thanks for sharing.

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