Sun. Sep 15th, 2024







TIME: 8:00PM (NIG)




Psalm 74;20


There are some places called the DARK places of the earth, not in heaven but here on earth. They are filled with habitations of cruelty (WICKEDNESS) . This place of cruelty is the place where people are harmed, where destinies are been delayed and slaughtered, a place where they control and disturbed the heart/ brains of man, a place where arrows of death, calamities and insanity are fired. A place called GOLGOTHA ( A place of skull, torments, and slaughter).

People who operate in this realm lives on a virgin human blood in order for them to be more powerful here on earth. They are into a covenant of DOOM..The only sacrifices they accept must be prepared with the blood of a virgin. They can program evil against a person or families from any place provided you live on earth and your legs touches the ground. People harming people for no reason, no just cause. But I want you to know one thing for sure God never lies , his covenant remains the same, that is why I know you cannot be defeated.

We are taking WAR into the enemies camp, it is called COVENANT OF WICKEDNESS VS COVENANT OF GOD ALMIGHTY.


What is wickedness?

✓ Anything that prevents what you desire in God from getting to you.


✓ Is a force or spirit fighting you from progressing.


✓ Is a demonic personality influencing you so commit a costly mistake that will be detrimental to your life.


Before a covenant can be binding there must have been an agreement between both parties. Also before a covenant can be potent , there must be a blood sacrifice either of a human or that of an animal.

The highest and most potent sacrifices used by the evil people in their realm to destroy man is a sacrifice prepared with the blood of a virgin. With this kind of sacrifice they can perpetrate any havoc on any man living on the surface of the earth.


There are ways they revoke and rendered this kind of sacrifice inpotent. It is through the ministry of a prophet. Good news to those who are in prophetic voice network international. Prophet are the constudian of God secrets. God cannot do anything on earth without first consulting his prophet.

Prophet are demi God, prophet has no inheritance God is their inheritance, prophet are sacrificial lamb because they don’t have life of their own, they are just messangers of God. They don’t have any properties the people they ministered to and the people that ministered back to them with their substance are their only physical properties they have. Whatever any decree a prophet made on you God is bound to respect it, once a prophet speaks God has spoken. God confirmed the words of his messanger and do the the councel of his servant.

By a spoken word men are condemned also by same spoken word men are justified. Covenant are triggered into motion by a spoken words, also covenant are put into a perpetual self distruction by a spoken words.


If you know how to use the word of God there is no situations you won’t be able to overcome with the word. Words are spirit and life, word is a being, they don’t die but lives forever. You can see word but you can feel it’s presence and see it’s manifestations. God is word and word is God.


Secret on how to use the WORD


Secret on how to use the word of God to counter any situation.


Demonic people uses elemental forces, familiar forces and environmental forces for their advantage to place a curse on inoccent people.


A typical example was the word of God we used in neutralizing, knock out and strikes out curses placed on people during our last month program. Where the occult are using the experience women go through during delivery ( the water , the blood, and the sound of pains / agony that came out of a woman) and we used the same experience Jesus went through on the cross to stile out those curses ( Jesus bled blood, he was pierced and water came out, and he shouted in pain/agony and finally he he stroke out the curses by saying IT IS FINISHED. Before he gave up the ghost). This is secret number one.

The secret on how to use the word of God for deliverance is with his prophet.


Watch out for secret number two on how to use the word of God to deliver yourself from demonic sacrifice prepared with the blood of a virgin used to place curse on you that is fighting against breakthrough in your bloodline.




✓ Get a candle stick (just 1 ) divide it into 3 equal pieces. Read psalm 35 on them 3 times, come along with them during prayer.

If you think is diabolicle pls read psalm 18:28, proverb 20:27


✓ Come with communion items. You can use anything for your communication. Just have faith


✓ Fasting is a must, minimum of 3pm on that day Tuesday, you can break before the program begins.


(Holy spirit told me to fast and go naked ( completely nude) when prayer and prophecying to you. This one is for me to do :not for public. He this is the sacrifice you will present to GOD the father on their behalf.

Pls note: am not doing it for sentiment, it is what the holy spirit said I should do, on your behalf.


✓ You must give to prophetic voice network international.

Let me reveal a secret to you, pls give something tangible in the name of your children to your prophet on monthly or yearly according to the numbers of the children God gave to you. When you give tell God how you want your children life to be . You are buying future for your children, you are preparing their tomorrow for them. I will go before you and make your croocked way straight. Not all hooligans you see are all spirit or evil made, their parents where careless with their children’ destiny, they could not secured them and they finally end up being a nightmare to their family and society. Secure your children future spiritually.


✓ You must come with your faith in God and be expectant , expectations are the mother of every manifestations. We don’t have anything to proof to you, we are just a PREVELEDGE vessel God decided to use. Without God we are nothing. Physically speaking if you see us you will know that you are better than us by far. We are not different from Peter the fisher man. So pls don’t overate us. Put your trust only in God


✓ Finally, invite your friends and family. Tell them about this prayer group. And God will bless you.


See you on Tuesday 28th November 2023 by 8pm. GMT.


God bless you.

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