“That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
This month, we shall come to celebrate with you.
If an armed robber snached a vehicle and the victim’s phone ☎️ ???? happened to be inside the vehicle, it may take some time before anyone comes to his or her aid.
Communication enhances your transportation.
Through communication, you receive or give information.
Through transportation, you move from one location to another!
The one you talk with most will lead you in the direction that is right or wrong.
Eve communicated with the serpent, and she got a free ride to the tree in the midst of the garden.
Mary communicated with Angel Gabriel, and that took her on a journey to Mrs Elizabeth’s house.
Prayer is a communication that helps you travel to the throne room of God.
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of mercy…”
What’s happening to you right now is where you are and what brought you there is communication.
Now, the environment you are physically or spiritually determines your enjoyment or endurance.
The young prophet communicated with the old prophet and went the wrong way to eat the food God commanded him not to eat.
The devil was communicating with our Lord and our Saviour, and he took him on the journey to the pinnacle of the temple. Until Jesus commanded him to get away, he kept communicating and kept moving Jesus to different locations.
Don’t think you can stop the movement if you don’t stop the communication.
Our journey with God is through our communion with The Holy Spirit.
Nobody moves in any direction except communication had already taken place.
There is nothing wrong with casting out demons. If you are communicating with them while casting them out, you may find yourself in another location.’
There are those who would not have committed sin with a sinner until they started to communicate with a sinner.
What you say in your communication is the direction you are heading!
May The Lord bless the reading of His word in your hearts.
Be careful who you communicate with this month!