Sat. Sep 14th, 2024




“Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”



If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit . If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.


Some children of God are so rude to God. *They keep asking God to do what they want, but will never do what God wants


2 Timothy 3:4

“puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,”


Every genuine prosperity that you see today is a product of someone doing God’s will.


God doesn’t need to solve the problems in your country before blessing you. All He needs to do is open a door of instruction(His will) for you to go through(obey) and experience His goodness.


You see, some Christians make decisions the way they like. They think moving from one man or woman is what brings results.


One particular year, The Lord asked me to give money to a man of God, and God would not allow me to transfer it electronically. I drove 12 hours on the road in other to obey the instruction.


God asked a widow who had the last food in her house ???? to feed the prophet because God had a bigger plan for her.


The bible says there were many widows in Isreal because not all widows are poor. But God chose the one who was not only poor but had had last food at home.


The reason God never talks to some of His children to give again is not because of your country’s economy but because you have shut down permanently the bowel of your mercy. He knows you will never obey anyway.


More than a year now, I spoke to a sister on phone and I knew God wanted to bless her. I asked her to send me something, even if just a notebook so that I could bless her. God wanted to use a gift from her to open a door, but after I reminded her about 3 times, I stopped.

This same person who couldn’t give always received 5,000 every month for about 2 years. She knew how to receive but doesn’t know how to give; even if just 100 naira. Who knows the level God would have brought her if she did that.


I have never seen a altar that has no sacrifice or gift on it.


Sometimes, the anointing of God comes so strong and there are people who have never given, not even once ☝️.


Which spiritual father did you learn that from. You keep receiving from God and you don’t give to Him.


The uncle you are begging to give you money is blessed by God because he always gave to The same God you always disobey.




Thank God I don’t collect money from people and I don’t have personal account where you can send money.


People who give gave through Sis Treasure and the money is used for the widows and the needy in the group.


Sometimes, we didn’t even have anything in the purse.


There are those who have but they do not give and there are those who have little but keep giving so as to have more.


In the end, the foundation of God stands sure. God knows those who are His own.


Paul was very careful to explain this.

Philippians 4:17

Not that I am seeking a gift, but I am looking for the fruit that may be credited to your account


When people’s account in heaven keep giving alerts ⚠️ of withdrawal without deposits for years, it is shameful and hazardous.


Do you know that, most offering that people give in churches cannot even fuel generator. Yes, I know because I was an usher before. God bless His children because they do what Himself does. Giving is God’s nature.


Some may argue that, God blesses us even if we don’t give. Yes. Just like you could trek from London to Nigeria. You could also drive ???? or follow the fastest means of transportation ????


Offering is different from sacrifice. Have you ever sacrificed something to God that cost you something?


For you to keep receiving without giving spiritually will lead to bankruptcy financially, I doesn’t matter your spiritual rank.


Paul asked the Corinthians:

1 Corinthians 9:11

“If we sowed spiritual things in you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?”


I don’t know how some people manage to have comfort receiving from where they have never given to.


The times we live in is not actually a hard time because The Holy Spirit is still here on the earth. The problem is, God can no longer get your attention again.


If He speaks, you won’t listen. If He tries to send the message through devotion, you won’t read.

If He shows you in your dream, you will snub and call ordinary dream.


The only channel God wants to use to bless you in famine, you blocked ???? it.


Even when you had much more in years of prosperity, it has always been about you.


You have never thought about how people come about what they give to God and what sacrifice they go through.


You think you deserve God’s blessings it doesn’t matter what you do.


I want to let you know today that God is not happy with some of us because we disobey God so much that we make it look like God doesn’t answer prayers again.


We cry in the secret and in the open. We borrow money from unbelievers who give to their own gods.


They don’t disobey the instruction given by their gods i.e demons

They know the repercussions but you don’t.


They sacrifice so much to demons that they keep ruling nations, but you don’t sacrifice to your own God.


You read in your Bible “Give and it will be given back to you, good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall ???? men give to your bossom. ”


You keep asking God to do what He says men and women will do for you if you obey Him.


Have you ever given to the course of widows? Have you ever given to servants of God. Have you ever given to missionaries. Have you ever given to those who feed you spiritually?


So, where do you think your problems may be coming from?


You don’t just give the way you like.

Church is not defined as blocks and drum sets.


Church is the ground and pillar of truth.


The gospel is free but it doesn’t get to people free.


Life of believers is that of giving.


If we disobey our Lord and our master and we expect Him to obey us, there is not help outside Him.


If you are wise, you are wise for yourself.


Will continue this series…


Stay blessed.

Meet & Marry


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