Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025


by Apostle Emmanuel Simms


It is essential for the body to keep fit and healthy and one of the most important thing is to have a good diet .In the same manner our spirit need s to eat ,a balanced meal everyday the word of God.


‭Matthew 4:4 NIV‬

[4] Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”


As food is good for our body so is the word of God in our lives,we need the word of God to have a healthy Christian Life, for it is essential for one s spiritual growth.


Now what is the word of God (Bible) it is the power of creation (John 1;1-5) Jesus Christ is the written word, the spoken word,the word now became (flesh) manifest and walked on Earth.


‭Hebrews 4:12 NIV‬

[12] For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.


You see the word is alive making you stronger in body especially in spirit,you and I need life to continue living a righteous life and a holy Life that is what it means to have the word of God has the food of the spirit on your diet.


One must eat well to live healthy, and the word of God is dependable when it comes having a good and healthy Christian Life.


‭John 15:3 NIV‬

[3] You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

Brethren the word of God also come s to clean our system spiritually of all that is not good for growth, come to think of it anything we take in no matter


What we take apart from the word cannot make us grow , healthy and strong so as to have a strong well built up mind in Christ,it is like junk food no matter how good it tastes it is still junk food, therefore the word of God is essential for our spiritual growth,the best dietary need one has to consider as a Christian.



Here’s to how you can feed on the word of God,: every morning when you wake up,read the Bible and pray for we don’t pray words we pray scripture s(Revelation)by the spirit.


Whenever you feel weak , whenever, and wherever you can be any time, everyday in short always because imagine you have not eaten for a weak you can’t have the strength to even talk,so which means food is important to the body so is the word of God important to the body and heart ( spirit).


Make the word of God your daily bread,feed on it daily so that you can have a renewed mind everyday and live a healthy and transformed Life in Christ.


The word of God is good for attaining a healthy Christian Life in Christ,a life refreshed ,a life made new ,a life free from sin and life eternal ..


Prayer father give me the appetite and zeal to feed on word daily,help me to know the importance of your word.ABBA help me to grow in love and other fruits of the spirit,help me to live practically on your word and be a doer , thank you for a new life in Christ and the joy of my salvation, and love towards,in Jesus Christ mighty name AMEN.




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