Tue. Feb 11th, 2025



Brethren our call to salvation,was not just an ordinary call but a call to light an eternal light for that matter,a kingdom of light where Joy abides, where darkness has no place, but light dwells in the hearts and lives of all man kind.


‭‭Isaiah 60:1 AMP‬

[1] “Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you.


Isaiah spoke of the glory of God an invitation to a New Life,a glorified Life because the light cometh .


Now who is this light?

Let’s see what John says :

‭1 John 1:5 AMP‬

[5] This is the message [of God’s promised revelation] which we have heard from Him and now announce to you, that God is Light [He is holy, His message is truthful, He is perfect in righteousness], and in Him there is no darkness at all [no sin, no wickedness, no imperfection].


God is light he is one with Christ ,(the likeness of the father) and he is the image of the father the shining light in the world.


‭John 1:4-5 AMP‬

[4] In Him was life [and the power to bestow life], and the life was the Light of men. [5] The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it].


Now you see that Christ is the new life and the light of all men , meaning no one can carry light or have new life without Christ, for in Christ is the new life and an already glorified Life full of light and joy .


Brethren the moment you receive Christ, it’s not just Christ that you receive but a glorified Life,a life full of light, an invitation to a New kingdom (identity and citizenship)of heaven.


This ☝️can only be possible if you you receive Christ as Lord and savior,then you will become the light of the world, because now you carry light (Christ) within you and you will be become a beacon of light in the world.


‭Matthew 5:14 AMP‬

[14] “You are the light of [Christ to] the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; you become an example of what the kingdom of God looks like,a kingdom of light ( full of rightousness,pure , goodness and love.


If you are saved and still asking how can I be the light see,:‭Ephesians 5:9-10 AMP‬

[9] (for the fruit [the effect, the result] of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), [10] trying to learn [by experience] what is pleasing to the Lord [and letting your lifestyles be examples of what is most acceptable to Him—your behavior expressing gratitude to God for your salvation].

For you and I to be the light of the world, embrace a life of purity , rightousness a life lived in truth ,in peace, and in holiness.


For light depicts the heavenly character of God, and for you and I are called to this marvelous light, to be the beacon of our generation, home s, families, community, nation’s and the world at large we’re children of light so we should live a life pleasing to God.


Where there’s light there’s life, what do people see in you when they see you ?is your life pointing men to Christ?is your life pointing the moral decaying world to Christ,is your way of life both in secret and in public glorifying God?


Where light dwells there’s peace and comfort in short Christ is there.


Questions to ask yourself to come realisation as the light of the world:

1:is Christ heard when I talk

2 : is Christ seen wherever I go

3:is Christ seen when I act and do anything.


4: is my life leading people to repentance


5;m I glorifying God with my talents, abilities, gift s, wealth and body


6:am I growing and

walking in the fruits of the spirit.

7:is the way I look dress, talk, and think glorify God.


If you see into these things the holy Spirit will help you to do what is pleasing to God and shine as the light of the world.


Brethren being the light of the world is carrying the being of Christ and manifesting him in everything you do.



Lord Jesus Christ,help me to be the beacon of light in my generation,help me to manifest the works of light ( Christ) in my generation,help me Lord to expose the works of darkness and run away from it , father thank you for receiving me into your glorious kingdom of light thank you for a new life in Christ in Jesus mighty AMEN.

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