Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

About 20 years ago, I was invited by The president of Redeem Christian Fellowship University of Ilorin. I was invited because, as presidents, we both were member of the same executive board! 

I had two sister there in the mini campus, so I had to sleep over till the following day!

While I stood on the corridor, I sighted a table with a broken leg and I sensed it as though God wanted me to know something.

I felt the lesson that I learned must have been by God:

Though the table was originally made to stand on four legs, but as you can see, one of its legs is broken! I saw that, despite the broken part, the table could still stand! 

While I was thinking about this, I felt the Lord explained deeper by giving me a scripture from Ephesians 6:13, 14, 15“13

Wherefore take unto you the #whole armour of God, that ye may be able to #withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to #stand.

14. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 

15. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;”

Then, I saw clearly there is a difference between “#STAND” and “#WITHSTAND”

For example, if you stand with the readiness in your mind that someone would push you, you may not fall or easily fall.

But if unexpected, you may tilt and fall. I considered this and wondered what would happen to the table if there came a rushing wind?

The table wouldn’t be able to #withstand at all. Probably, the #missing #part was the strength to withstand! 

“How are the mighty falling?” Is the question that should be asked!

The table would fall, not because it doesn’t have more than it lacked, but because what it lacked was vital for it to #withstand! 

It is only if you faint in the day of adversity that your strenght will be considered as small. When I see many of us do great things for God, the question we should ask ourselves is “is there any vital part that is missing?”

Because, if there is, we can easily predict the fall, if there is pressure from without! 

The stone sunk into Goliath’s head, not because he didn’t have enough armour, but because something that is vital was missing! 

Paul told us thing he does

Jesus told us Mary chose one thing needful

The rich man lacked one thing!

David told us one thing he enquired from The Lord! 

Find out if any of such that is called thing is missing! 

Or we need to read #Ephesians 6 again to find what is the one thing that will be required!


It has been 20 years now since that inspiration came and I hope in the Lord of our salvation, that in another 20 years, if the coming of Christ tarries, we will look back and say one thing is needful!

Though the picture of the table is gradually fading in my heart, the message has never faded! 

I wish I know where the table is presently 

Does that really matter?

It might have fallen or replaced or repaired! 

If repaired, it may be in a particular room where it provides support for students to write on… absorbing pressure, #withstanding, yet still standing! 

Now, forget about the table! 

May our lives be balanced such that, when men and women lean on us as friends, we won’t fall or ‘fail/fall’ them!


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