*”The Preacher sought to find out acceptable words, and that which was written blamelessly, words of truth.”*
■ Some exits are open doors that we need.
■ It is still unequal yoke when you serve God well in the church, but you’re not diligent at your workplace.
■ The deception of the devil has been constant since the days of old:
Every true prophet was called false
Every false prophet was called true
■ Nothing gladden the devil most like when he uses those who are close to you against you.
■ No matter how heavy your heart may become, it’s not too heavy for God to lift or lighten. Underneath Are Everlasting Arms!
■ The Moment You Imagine You’re Better Than Others,
You’re getting worse!
■ The Opportunities God Gives Us Should Never to Be Taken for Granted…
Always be grateful to The Father who lavish His mercy on us.
■ God Will Never Give You More than HE can handle!
■ In life, everyone is bound to make mistakes at one time or the other. The godly takes it to the cross ✝️ while the gossip takes it to the crowd.
■ God provided, He provides, and He will provide. Ever faithful! Ever sure.
Stay lifted!