TESTIMONY OF MARITAL SETTLEMENT Right here in our midst The Lord did it. Rejoice with our brother and sister from Malawi prayer group. The same grace will spread to everyone…
TESTIMONY OF MARITAL SETTLEMENT Right here in our midst The Lord did it. Rejoice with our brother and sister from Malawi prayer group. The same grace will spread to everyone…
From a Sister in group 4. A testimony of Divine Help ???????????????? Hallelujah ????????????????????????! Jehovah the omnipotent, the God of this commission called my name last year in December saying…
Testimony! Favour!
PASTOR OLAYINKA OROGUN: Yes I remembered her story! She started as a volunteer to help in the prophetic voice network team(PVNT). No one really knew her but she began to…
Testimony of open doors. It can only be God. To You be all the glory. You are next to testify in Jesus name ????.
Testimony Sir Sir, in late April this year 2023, I started my business with about 38,200 Naira And I sowed my first four gains as my first fruit to God…