*JOHN 9:6*
*”After he said these things,* he spit on the ground, made some mud from the saliva, and spread the mud on his eyes.”
*What were the things that Jesus said?*
Let me tell you the background story:
*There was a man born blind. The disciples of Jesus asked him if that man’s problem was caused by his sin or his* parent’s sin.
Their way of thinking was somehow limited.
*How could someone who was born blind cause his own problem?* 🤔
The disciples probably didn’t know beyond the 2 options. That was all they knew in society where they grew.
Jesus educated them more by giving them the extra option that it was possible to have another reason outside of the one they mentioned.
In this story, their thought process needed to be addressed.
It was after this that Jesus went into action and healed the man.
■The fuel ⛽️ for every thought is spoken word. If you are not exposed to more than you have seen, heard, or know, your way of reasoning will limit your action.
Even if God asks you to do something that will make you a billionaire, you won’t see any sense in it.
■ *Invariably, the fuel ⛽️ for our actions is our thought,* but it all begins with the spoken word.
*Spoken word is the springboard of human action.*
If you want to think differently, start speaking differently, and your thinking will produce new actions and new results in your life.
*Your life has been heading in the direction of your dominant thoughts. Spoken words(i.e., what you hear yourself say most) are the fountains for new lifestyles.*
Make sure what God already said in His word are the framework of what you say most to yourself.
Stay lifted.