The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright— words of truth.
■ Even when we are unfaithful, God remains faithful… but He does not reward unfaithfulness
■ Do not try to bring what God has not assigned to you under control because it can make your life out of control. Stay within your jurisdiction.
■ The same way people treat God is the same way they treat the ones He sent.
It’s amazing how people will forget you till they need you.
■ God so much loves us that He doesn’t want us to face His wrath. Therefore, He came in the person of Christ to save us from his wrath.
■ There are challenges God will get you out of, and there are other challenges that God will grow you out of.
■ When we serve the people, we serve God.
■ Our service should not start and end when we have the microphone.
■ God’s instructions direct us to areas where His treasures are kept for us. He kept them from us for us.
■ When the world calls it love ❤️, this is how it sounds: they attract, then they attack , and finally detach
■ God’s unspeakable gift:
He first gave himself for us and then gave himself to us. Have you received Him into your heart? If you have not received him, do it today. Stay blessed