The recipe to receive sure answer to your prayers by Chinonso Ezuka
Romans 4:20-25 GNT
[20] His faith did not leave him, and he did not doubt God’s promise; his faith filled him with power, and he gave praise to God.
Halleluya ????????. This verse is talking about Abraham.
Even though he didn’t have a child in his old age
He believed God so much
His faith did not leave him
He never doubted God’s promise
His faith filled him with POWER
And he gave PRAISE to God
No matter what you are believing God for, let your faith never leave you
Have you found God’s promise concerning that situation? Never doubt it !
Your faith will fill you with POWER
And one important thing to be added to your Faith is PRAISE .
When you strongly believe God’s word concerning your situation and you praise him in faith that he will not fail
You are well positioned for a Miracle.
In the fullness of time
Confess this
My faith is strong
I have power to overcome
My miracle is sure
Because my God never Fails
Halleluya ????????
As you say it , believe it and praise God
May you see it and testify in Jesus Mighty name Amen !!!
Have a Fantastic day ahead
God bless you!!!