Fri. Feb 14th, 2025



*2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5*





1. This know also that in the last days, *perilous times shall come.*






2. For men shall be *lovers of their own selves,* covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, *unthankful* , *unholy* ,






3. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, *incontinent* , fierce, *despisers of those that are good,*





4. *Traitors,* heady, high-minded *lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;*






5. Having *a form of godliness,* but denying the power thereof: *from such turn away.*






As everything unfolds quickly, more shaking is coming on the earth, so whatever does not belong can be shaken off, so that only that which can not be shaken will remain.






In our pilgrims’ journey to the celestial city, there must first be separation between those who proclaim be Christians and those whose names are written in the lamb book.







Two women started out following Naomi, but after much persuasive words, one went back, and the bible never recorded anything about her again. Only Ruth made it to the lineage of Christ.






According to our Bible passage, some of the signs are:


🟢 *Lovers of their own selves*


🔵 *Unthankful*


🟣 *unholy*


🔴 *Incontinent* (meaning you can not satisfy them)


🟡 *Despisers of those that are good.*


🟤 *Traitors*


🟠 *Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.*






Just 10 years ago, if someone told me all we are seeing today will unfold quickly in our time, I would probably not believe.






Everything that is happening now is preparing the ground for the one world government.






Some ‘Christians’ are denying faith. No one who has been sealed by The Holy Spirit can pay allegiance to Lucifer.







The bible calls the time we are about to witness on the globe *THE BEGINNING OF SORROW*






The devil is pushing so hard to implement the tribulation before the taking away of the saints.







This pre-tribulation will almost appear like we are in the tribulation time already. That’s why the Bible calls it THE BEGINNING OF SORROW.






The adversity happening presently is still within individual nations.






When each nation can no longer handle, you will begin to see a coalition amongst nation. They will start to form a treaty and bond. This is what will open doors for the world 🌎 order which is already at work underground.






Some Christians think this is just about their pastors, G.O, or political Leaders not doing what they should do.
This is end-time prophecy being unfolds in our very own eye.






In Luke 21:26, the Bible says that men’s heart will fail them for fear.







Everything is giving way to luciferia government so quietly.







*Revelation 13:17*


“And *that no man might buy or sell,* save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
⚠️ *or the number of his name.”**






You may not see any mark now but what you may discern is,
‼️ *or the number of his name.*‼️






Those who think the church of God is the problem now will understand very soon what’s happening.
















This are the areas the antichrist(man of sin) will use to take advantage of people.





■ He will try to perform some wonders to show a form of spirituality





■ He will try to make treatment of sicknesses and diseases happen so easy with technology.













You will hear wars and rumors of wars.







According to 1 Timothy 3:15, *The church of The Lord Jesus Christ is the ground and the pillar of truth.*







It is not just a place with bricks and drums.
It is place where God set in order 5 fold ministry and where The Spirit of Truth is and the word of God is preached in Truth and in Spirit.







Even in the last days, when everything seems to be collapsing in the world system, God continue to use His church to meet needs.








The Apostles did the same in those days when there was famine. People brought from the little they had everything was shared amongst those who had needs.







There are believers who are complaining now of lack of money and food and if you ask them what they have contributed in the church they belong, NOTHING.







I understood those who really contribute to help the church don’t criticize the church. It is those who rarely contribute nothing that jump around.







Just imagine you opened an account in a bank and you keep withdrawing without depositing in the account.







It will come to a time there will be insufficient fund.







Then, you go and open another account in another bank and the same pattern repeat itself.







Now, you have debit cards from different banks that are not useful for withdraw.






The anointing did not run out of rccg, winners, deeper life church, even prophetic voice network etc, you are the problem.








Anywhere you find yourself, make deposit. Have you ever deposited a word of prayers for people God use to bless you spiritually and sometimes financially?







Or you just keep withdrawing. Have you ever for once given to the vision God gave them?







It takes the wisdom of God to understand that, even in a gathering where they never collect offering or tithe, you have to find a way of depositing.







Because, the rule is applicable everywhere: wherever you make only withdraw without making deposit will stop dispensing for you only.






For example, if the atm machine stop dispensing through your debit card, someone will insert hers and it will dispense for him or her.







Be ye in marriage, church, ministry, organizations, you can not be on the receiving end alone. Always find a way to make a deposit.






Let us hear what Apostle Paul said about your heavenly account.







Philadelphia 4:17


*”Not that I am seeking a gift, but I am looking for the fruit that may be credited to 👉 your account.”*







Paul was not looking for money from the philippians to buy house, he needed it on his mission to help another church in another city where they were financially poor.






1 Corinthians 11:8


*”I robbed other churches, taking wages from them that I might serve you.”*







Paul was simply saying that *he literally begged(rubbed) them to make contribution for another church.*







This was the way The Lord took care of His church in the early days.





Sometimes, a pastor keeps fasting and prophesying and some recipients seem to be unable to make a withdrawal…






Whereas, the same Pastor said the same in another place and everyone testified.








In this end-time, we will not bow to luciferia government. We will follow the order that the early Apostles followed and we will prosper.








I have men of God that I send money to. The first money I spend any year is to men of God.







After reading this devotion, someone may call and say sir, I want to give you money 😊







It is not about you giving money sir or ma. Let your life be that which is consistent in investing back to wherever God blesses you.








It is not everywhere they mention tithe and offering, but people still give if they want to.
They know how to reach any of the admin and ask how they can give.







If someone gives a 100 million now, all we need is set up 100 people in business with a million each.







One of the reasons I do not have personal account where someone can send me money is because I do not want some to send me 10, 000 naira and start asking what I did with the money or tell me what to preach every Sunday 😊







However, if God has sent someone to me to give me money, I will know.







You see, we don’t collect offering and tithe here but the leaders pay great price.








If God put it in your heart to give to the gospel, ask any of the admin and they will send you the official *PROPHETIC VOICE NETWORK ACCOUNT DETAILS.*









We don’t display this during our live programs on Facebook and YouTube because we have not got any instruction from The Lord to do so.







If you are for Christ, He will send you help from His sanctuary. Make sure to always make deposit wherever you find yourself. Send devotions to people. Be a blessing.






Tough times never last but tough people do.






Do not be moved by the events in the world as they unfold. Be rooted in Christ and feed on His faithfulness.



Stay lifted.



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