Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

(Doctrine 001)




*HEBREW 2:3*


So *what makes us think we can escape if we ignore this great salvation* that was first announced by the Lord Jesus himself *and then delivered to us by those who heard him speak?*





The Bible calls the new birth *GREAT SALVATION*





According to John 3:16, the plan is for everyone, but unfortunately, not everyone will be saved.





*John 3:19*


“And this is the judgment, that the *Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light;* for their deeds were evil.”






There are many who thought that they are saved, but they were not.






Salvation is only by grace through faith alone.







*”For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”*





Salvation is not a resolution. Salvation is not a decision you make to improve your behavior.






Salvation happens when the gospel is preached, and The Holy Spirit uses the word that is preached to convict your heart. In other words, to make you feel sorry for your sin and thereby turn to God.





When that happens, The Spirit of God imparts upon your human spirit the faith to receive Christ, to believe Christ, and to remain in Christ.






Salvation is not what Pastors beg you to do. It is an act that takes place when everyone closes their eyes.







Salvation is a thing of joy that we are called by the name of our heavenly father.







When this happens, joy fills your heart. When this happens, you have the peace of God. When this happens, The Holy Spirit bears witness with your human spirit that you are truly a child of God.







You don’t need to be confirmed in a church to be saved. Being baptised in a church does not mean you are saved. Having gifts of dreams and visions does not mean you are saved.







Many are not saved today because, when the word came to them, just as it is coming to you now, they hardened their hearts. They thought it is something they could decide to do on their own whenever they like.







Some treat Salvation like *”say after me stuff.”*
You can say that and yet not saved.







The Spirit of Christ is the one who is fully in charge of our salvation.






As much as “confessing with your mouth, and believing in heart” is important, they do not get you saved without the word of God preached and the opening given to you by The Holy Spirit through deep conviction of your sin.









As has just been said: *“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts* as you did in the rebellion.”






2 Corinthians 2:6


*Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.*





Salvation is a sacred act. You can not just run to an altar every time. *Altar doesn’t save, Jesus saves.*
*You only express your conviction by going to the altar when there is an altar call.*






If you are genuinely saved, God cancel your name out of the book of death and write into the book of life.






If this foundation is not well taught and grounded through Apostolic grace, a time would come if Jesus tarry that we will have so many pastors who do not even know what it means to be saved or born again.






A time will come when we will have people who speak in tongues and who prophesy, but they are not born again, and one would begin to wonder how?






*You will begin to wonder by what spirits they do these things.*






Am speaking to you who are saved and to you who would be saved. What He sent me, I am telling you.





It is fearful for someone to be eternally lost after exiting this world. *Very fearful. Fear God. I say it again, fear Him.*






No one who is an elect can be saved, and after falling into sin, continue therein.





1 John 3:9


*No one who is born of God will continue to sin* because God’s seed remains in them; *they can not go on sinning because they have been born of God.*






Salvation is like God encrypting His DNA inside you. It is called being born again.
Just as a woman bleeds to give birth to a new generation, Christ bleed and died that He might birth in us a new spirit.






God’s love ❤️ era is still on. There is coming what is called the wrath of God.






Christ is the only way of escape and the only unification with God.






*If you want to be saved now, don’t postpone this. Call the following telephone ☎️ numbers:*


+234 706 284 6253,


+234 818 177 5709


They will pray with you. If have any other needs, they will agree with you, and they will continue to encourage you in The Lord.




If you are already saved by grace, continue and remain steadfast in Him.





In times like this, when the hearts of people fail them, you need the company of other believers.





The time we are witnessing was already foretold by Christ before His return. So, do not be moved because all these must happen before His return.





And when He comes, our great Shepherd will not find it hard to recognize you. Maranatha!



Stay lifted.

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